Aerobatics Freestyle motocross Skydive
date 12.07.2022
We already have access to 5 sport planes, now we need to get proper training, attract female pilots and start.
The team is now a good mixture of experience and youth. But we are students. We are super clear on that. I think what makes a good student is working with masters in different disciplines, using the backdrop of some talent or skill. From the outset we will seek to keep our displays visually exciting and "tight". Aim to keep as much of the formation and action in front of the crowd as possible, avoiding any lengthy intervals of empty sky.
Initially it may feel as if you’re learning to fly all over again. Soaring through the skies in a close formation - rolling, looping, holding your position while inverted, and maneuvering with 4 other aircraft in total synchronicity- requires a level of precision flying that is far beyond anything seen in operational flying.
While the flying test is of course critical, it is only one part of a rigorous selection process. We want applicants to be in their twenties or early thirties, being able not only to fly but to constantly work with data and organisational issues. Team's cultural approach to training and task achievement - one that promotes an environment within which honesty, integrity and humility are expected to be shown at all times. Objectivity and self-critical analysis are key.